Sunday, March 20, 2005

Singles Convention Coming Up & So Is The Deadline!

High School Seniors, Youth and Young Adults 18-35 years,
YOU are invited to:

Just a note to remind you (in case you did not know) that our Holy Revolution Singles Convention is coming up early next month. This year's convention theme is "A Single Cause." It will be held in the Hotel Marriott of San Mateo California starting Friday night April 8 to Sunday morning April 10. The guest speaker will be Bishop Charles Olmeda. Our registration deadline of $60 is this coming Tuesday 22 March. Please arrange to do two things by the March 22 deadline:

1. Have your individual registration form signed by your pastor or by me. The forms are available for download here at the NPLAD Youth Website.


2. Have your money into Sister Martha Morales our Sectional Youth Secretary Treasurer by that date (whether by mail or by person).

For room reservations, which are probably $70/night (can be split up four ways guys with guys and girls with girls for $35 for the whole weekend four guys or girls per room-no coeds except for married couples), please call and reserve a room at the Marriott (phone: 650 653-6000). Please mention "NPLAD Singles Convention" or "Holy Revolution" for the group rate.

If you're interested please e-mail me back for more registration information. All young adults ages 18-35 and High School Seniors are invited (married included but there will be no child care). We will arrange a common meeting places for those going from the YoungSevenOne Salinas Section.
Take care and God bless you all!
Bro Danny

Please go to the NPLAD youth website for driving directions and the flier.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Party and an End to Business as Usual

It was a blast of a backyard party in M-town (Misty Monterey). Good times, good food, good fellowship, good fun and good memories. Young7One served up some awesome praise and worship to an Awesome God. The Holy Spirit fell on our open-air P&W session. We were lost in God's presence in the mist of His glory!

Thank you for all those who came out to join hands with us. Thank you to all those helped make it happen. Thank you for all those who couldn't make it but prayed for us. We were all there together as one in some fashion. Thank you God. You were our honored Party Guest!

Be on the look out for more good times coming your way. Our next event is our Young7One Spring Fling & Teambuilding Rally on May 28th in Hollister. For all those who are interested in being a part of our Outreach events you must attend. Our first outreach will be to the city of Morgan Hill in support of Mision Maranata and her Pastors los Hermanos Sanchez (Here We Come Lord!). We will be fielding the following teams: drama, worship, puppets (tbd), prayer & deliverance tent, and multi-media/sound. If you want to be a part, you must attend the training in Holli-town (Hollister's Faith, Hope, and Love Center). Team Captains and Co-Captains will be anounced shortly (many of them have professional experience). Please keep us in prayer and please consider joining the Young7One Outreach Team.

This isn't your Grandpa's youth group or your Tia Panchita's sectional youth ministries anymore. No offense grandpas and Tia Panchita (I actually have one) because we're building on your foundation and our roots and they are Jesus. You can't have a better foundation and roots than Him, thank you to those that have laid the foundations!

But times have changed and Jesus is coming back soon. We're not playin. We can't afford to and neither can those that are on the outside looking in. Their souls and eternities are depending on us, on our message, and on our teamwork. Let's not keep them waiting on death row any longer. We've got the experience and know-how to make it happen. We've got the power of the Holy Spirit on our side. We are the Last Day's Young People Movement. You know the one written about in Joel Chapter 2? The dreamers, the visionaries, the ones who will prophesy. The ones who will be used of God to take His Spirit to all flesh, not just the existing flesh of the Body of Christ. The future members of His body. The Body He's coming back for.

All we are asking is for you to come out, help out and be built up, be blessed up, be used for, be sent out and be changed in the process. C'mon can I get a witness? We are taking a Holy Revolution to the streets! We're disassemling the Tents of Transfiguration and coming off the mountains of great experiences with God. We're on our way. We're gonna build open-air tents of revival in our cities and streets. We're taking Jesus where He's needed most---outside the four walls of our churches and youth groups, and we're gonna do it as a team. One for all the cities and our churches. And all our cities and churches for the one soul at a time who's waiting for us and our message of hope. Let's be Jesus to our world. Those who have an ear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to our youth. Rise up youth and lift up the name of Jesus!

Pastor DJ out.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Risen Up! Testimonies from Winter Camp

Open for Comments!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Let's Get this Party Started!

All right, it's time to hook up with each other in beautiful Monterey and celebrate the Lover of our Souls. For those of you who have RSVP'd already thank you, thank you!

So far our RSVPs and incoming e-mails tell us that we're expecting youth and young adults from Gilroy, Marina, Salinas, Hollister, Morgan Hill, and of course Monterey. This is just the first gathering of like-minded young people that will soon become an un-stoppable movement in the tri-county area of the Central Coast (Monterey, San Benito, and Southern Santa Clara counties). Our upcoming party originally had believers in mind, but many have been telling me that they have invited people who need to know the Lord like we do. Can anyone say "Amen!" This is exactly what we are about. Let's start off right where God wants us.

If you have not been able to access the Evite, please go to our Young7One Post Office on this blog and send us a Post Card note. Sister Martha, our Youth Secretary and Treasurer or Sister Susie Pena, our Young7One Public Relations sister, will hook you up! So, until Saturday...

Celebrate Jesus, C'mon!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Ambassadors In Missions

Youth Missions

Mountain Movers
Conversations about World Missions
with AIM Director Carlos Flores
(aka "Missionary Starbucks")

Weclome to Mountain Movers!
I am so excited to know that we have an Ambassadors in Missions program for our District Youth Ministries Department. I am that much more excited to know who we have directing this program, Bro Carlos Flores of Bakersfield. Recently, I got to meet my long lost brother at Youth Winter Camp. Him and I share such a burden and passion for missions that I think we were actually born on the mission field together and then somehow separated at birth. We share this and many things including a love of Starbucks coffee. If Jesus tarries, him and I might open up a Starbucks on Wheels and travel to youth conventions as viejitos to sell to your grandkids (picture those catering trucks you see at construction sites). We'll drink our own blends and fraps off the profits. Hold that thought Bro Carlos, I think we have a winner here, but I digress.
I shared with Bro Carlos just a little about what an AIM trip means to me. In short, it changed my life. It came at a time when I needed God most. I was coming out of a year of major depression. It was the summer after my junior year of high school. I drew a line in the sand with God and said "this is it God, this is your last chance to prove yourself to me." I continued with my bold challenge to the omnipotent creator of the whole universe, "If you don't I'll walk away from you forever." How could I say something like this? It could only have been from the hurt and emptiness, the oblivion, I felt inside.
So there I was half-hearted about going. And then the money started coming in from all over the place. I didn't even know some of the people that felt led to sponsor me. God was beginning the filling process in me. Within short order, all the money had been provided for me to go to Puerto Rico.
Space and time doesn't allow, but God did something awesome in my life that has continued to this day. Two weeks of my summer and a minimal investment on the part of others who believed in me is all it took. Money and time well spent all resulting in returns that go far beyond words. Thank you sponsors wherever and whoever you are!
The second day our team was there, my DYDs, Denny and Debbie Seler, asked if there where any team members who were seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Three of us raised our hands and went up to the front. All three of us were surrounded by our team members in three circles, one for each of us. For the next span of time known only to God, fire poured out on top of us. All three of us were immersed in the Spirit simultaneously as the floodgates of heaven opened up. Thank you Denny, Debbie and Aimers for believing and agreeing for the three of us that day!
For the next week and half, we ministered in hard places. Places that were patrolled by National Guardsman with M-16s and some in Hummers with M-60s mounted on top. We ministered in the drug-ridden neighborhoods of Bayamon and a little piece of heaven called "La Perla" near San Juan. La Perla was the kind of place that the local law enforcement dared not even enter. But there we were, ministering to the children of the drug dealers who actually welcomed us. I could go on and on about just a two week trip. I could only imagine the stories that Bro Carlos can tell as he has been on several. This is why I have asked him to share with you his thoughts on missions, answer our questions, and tell us about the upcoming missions trips to South and Central America (there's still time but I'll let Bro Carlos fill you in).
It is amazing that such a short time and little investment could make such a big difference in somebody's life. Please join me in praying for our AIM program, Bro Carlos, the AIMers, the upcoming trips, and the souls who have yet to be won. Please pray about going on a trip yourself. Please welcome with me a true Mountain Mover, Director Carlos Flores of Ambassadors In Missions of the NPLAD District Council...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

We Need You!

Paloma "Judy" Morales (mi hermana espiritual) translates as a challenge is put out to all youth and youth leaders. "You are not called to just your churches," but "you are called to your entire city!" God is going to move in our area, but He is not going to do it with our "Four-Wall" mentality. He wants to take us out of our comfort zones of our pews and Saturday morning PlayStation times. When God saved you, He immediately placed a calling on your life for the souls around you. Not just within arm's reach, but within miles around you. We need to stop thinking that we are just the youth members of our churches. We are the youth members of whole cities and whole counties of a much bigger world. I'll even go a step further. What God wants to do here goes beyond our beloved Salinas Section , beyond our beloved NPLAD District and beyond the Assemblies of God. As I said at the Refrigerio, what God has in mind for us is bigger than Masters Commission. It is the Global Great Commission!

How can we possibly do this Great Thing God has in mind? How can we reach outside of our arm's reach? How can we handle this burden of soul-winning. How?
Number One, we are going to go out to bring the souls in
Number Two, we are going to do it as a team
. I know that God wants us to take the youth revival movement outside the four walls of our churches, outside the walls of our youth rallies and conventions. This is the true meaning of revival. This is when the Glory of God spills out on the streets and alleys, schools and parks, and unsaved homes of our cities, of our whole region, state, country and world. Right now we are ministering to the world! Think about it for a second. We are blogging our love of God and people to the world! You can be a part: post your comments, post your praises, and post your prayers on this blog. Get involved in the focused "Vision" and the "Big Picture" of what God wants to do through us by attending our events and encouraging those around you to do the same.

We had a glimpse of what God has in mind by taking the Uth Booth, our praZe seSSion, and our fund raiser outside of Templo Rosa de Saron. Did you realize that we had people that night come out to us from the neighborhood around the church to see what we were doing? They got a lot more than just cupcakes and Babacoa. They were getting a presentation of the gospel, through our Gospel Spots, our singing and our fellowship. They were mingling with our church people-with you and me. They were going to church and didn't even know it! Sister Martha got to speak with a couple of kids and adults from the neighborhood. This is what God has in mind for us, but it is a whole lot bigger. Words can't even begin to express how big it is.

We can do it, we will do it. We've got God on our side. All we need is you!

Looking Ahead to Spirit West Coast Prayer Tent Outreach

Recently, I was asked about our upcoming Prayer Tent Outreach for Spirit West Coast. Thank you so much for your interest. I can't tell you how much of a blessing it was last year to be a part of this ministry. Many souls were saved and many were set free from demonic bondage. Although it was exciting to be a part, it was a lot of work and was the focus of my time spent at Spirit West Coast. I expect that this will be true again for all of our workers.

As of right now, there are still too many details to work out for this outreach to post anything definite on our site or to tell your youth groups. However, I will be dealing with the main evangelistic coordinator for the event and will be talking to the Prayer Tent Coordinator. I do know that there will be a minimum age for our workers and that I will set a policy that our youth workers must be recommended by their youth leader and approved by their pastor. Dealing in the prayer tent was serious business the last time so I am counting on our Young7One SWC Task Force members to be ready, trained and prayed up for anything. Please stay tuned for more details...

Win, Build, Send!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Backyard Party Coming Up!

Youth of the Salinas Section:

You will not want to miss out on our Backyard Party in beautiful Monterey. The party starts at 12:00 and goes until 4:00PM. Please hook up with a youth group friend to come out and have a blast. We look forward to getting to know you better and building a fellowship that will last for eternity! A flier will be sent to your church for posting.

Blessings and hope to see you there!

Bro Danny

We Have Open Slots for Camp!

The District needs to fill 20 more spots for this winter's youth camp, which starts this Friday! All late fees will be waived for these blessed 20 people. If you are interested, please let your youth pastor and me know, immediately! God bless and hope you can make it to an UPRISING!


Bro Danny

We Have Open Slots for Camp!

The District needs to fill 20 more spots for this winter's youth camp, which starts this Friday! All late fees will be waived for these blessed 20 people. If you are interested, please let your youth pastor and me know, immediately! God bless and hope you can make it to an UPRISING!


Bro Danny