Party and an End to Business as Usual
It was a blast of a backyard party in M-town (Misty Monterey). Good times, good food, good fellowship, good fun and good memories. Young7One served up some awesome praise and worship to an Awesome God. The Holy Spirit fell on our open-air P&W session. We were lost in God's presence in the mist of His glory!
Thank you for all those who came out to join hands with us. Thank you to all those helped make it happen. Thank you for all those who couldn't make it but prayed for us. We were all there together as one in some fashion. Thank you God. You were our honored Party Guest!
Be on the look out for more good times coming your way. Our next event is our Young7One Spring Fling & Teambuilding Rally on May 28th in Hollister. For all those who are interested in being a part of our Outreach events you must attend. Our first outreach will be to the city of Morgan Hill in support of Mision Maranata and her Pastors los Hermanos Sanchez (Here We Come Lord!). We will be fielding the following teams: drama, worship, puppets (tbd), prayer & deliverance tent, and multi-media/sound. If you want to be a part, you must attend the training in Holli-town (Hollister's Faith, Hope, and Love Center). Team Captains and Co-Captains will be anounced shortly (many of them have professional experience). Please keep us in prayer and please consider joining the Young7One Outreach Team.
This isn't your Grandpa's youth group or your Tia Panchita's sectional youth ministries anymore. No offense grandpas and Tia Panchita (I actually have one) because we're building on your foundation and our roots and they are Jesus. You can't have a better foundation and roots than Him, thank you to those that have laid the foundations!
But times have changed and Jesus is coming back soon. We're not playin. We can't afford to and neither can those that are on the outside looking in. Their souls and eternities are depending on us, on our message, and on our teamwork. Let's not keep them waiting on death row any longer. We've got the experience and know-how to make it happen. We've got the power of the Holy Spirit on our side. We are the Last Day's Young People Movement. You know the one written about in Joel Chapter 2? The dreamers, the visionaries, the ones who will prophesy. The ones who will be used of God to take His Spirit to all flesh, not just the existing flesh of the Body of Christ. The future members of His body. The Body He's coming back for.
All we are asking is for you to come out, help out and be built up, be blessed up, be used for, be sent out and be changed in the process. C'mon can I get a witness? We are taking a Holy Revolution to the streets! We're disassemling the Tents of Transfiguration and coming off the mountains of great experiences with God. We're on our way. We're gonna build open-air tents of revival in our cities and streets. We're taking Jesus where He's needed most---outside the four walls of our churches and youth groups, and we're gonna do it as a team. One for all the cities and our churches. And all our cities and churches for the one soul at a time who's waiting for us and our message of hope. Let's be Jesus to our world. Those who have an ear let them hear what the Spirit is saying to our youth. Rise up youth and lift up the name of Jesus!
Pastor DJ out.
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