Wrestling with Angels
Just days before the 5-year anniversary of the September 11th attacks on America, I am sobered by the belief that the threat we face from the spiritual forces that were behind those attacks are maneuvering once again to unleash something far more horrendous in the days, weeks, or months to come. At the moment it is not a matter of if but when. Whether they succeed, however, in large part depends on the actions or inactions of the American church.
The terrorists attacks that day and since have shown us is that there are no answers in the natural to prevent them. Sure, governments of man can stop a few here and there, but what the world is facing goes beyond the schemes of countless thousands thirsty for American blood. What I am talking about are millions of fallen hosts that are massing to manifest in these countless thousands.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
It's not enough to pray for divine protection from their upraised hand. It's not enough to pray for our success in the battlefield. It's not enough to pray that they are exposed. Although these are worthy prayers, they are "bandaid" prayers in the face of the artery that is about to explode. There are only two prayers we should be praying right now as if our country depended upon them, as if the lives of our families depended upon them: 1. Repentance for our nation and 2. The salvation of those who threaten us. These prayers emanate from the very heart and will of God. Why not pray accordingly? It's our only hope! This is the wrestling match we must join. If not, let's just throw our hand up before the referee yells "Ready, go!."
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place." (2 Chronicles 7:14-15)
To give you just a picture of the threat I provide the following brief synopsis of news bits and an expose film:
It is no secret that Osama Bin Laden has received recent permission from clerics in Saudi Arabia to kill up to ten million Americans. Before you think this is funny, Osama was actually rebuked by Muslim clerics worldwide not because he was behind the 9/11 attacks but because he hadn't given Americans the proper warnings ahead of time. Apparently, this time he has learned his lesson - bad Osama. Just pause and think for a couple minutes. Imagine ten million Americans dead in a single day. Wake up people! This is not a joke. Read the writing on the wall: TEN MILLION AMERICANS DEAD.
It is no secret that countries like Iran and Al Qaida operatives, like Californian-born "Azzam the American," have extended invitations to join Islam or face certain grave consequences. This is no publicity stunt. This is exactly what the Koran teaches to do before all "jihad breaks loose." This is yet another prelude to mass murder on a national scale. To their credit, if I may say that, they are following their doctrines to a tee. They have made the invitation so if we balk it, they have fulfilled their end and will have the justification to strike with their sword.
It is no secret that Iran and Al Qaida have already acquired several nuclear weapons. This is their sword of choice and they are just waiting for the right opportunity to use them. If you believe that they don't have these weapons or won't use them, then I have some Iranian nuclear waste buckets to sell you. I must return to the close of my first paragraph: TEN MILLION AMERICANS DEAD.
It is no secret that there are sleeper terrorist cells here in America, who have been training for years here in America for the day that they can wage jihad here in America. They even have permission to kill children and even other Muslims here in America. If you think I am using scare tactics, may I remind of you the Beslan schoolhouse massacre? Do you think it can't happen here in America? May I ask a rhetorical question? Where did the 19 terrorists of the September 11th attacks train? Where did they strike? The answer should be clear - here in America.
Before I move on to the expose film that I believe every American should watch, allow me to return to the wrestling match of this new century. Imagine with me the night of September 10th 2001. All 19 hijackers, are in their hotel rooms trying to get sleep the night before their infamous mission. What would have happened if on that same night millions of American Christians were awakened to intercede for them, yes that's right intercede for them, not just damn them to hell.
Do you think a terrorist is worth praying for? Do you think he or she is beyond the reach of the Holy Spirit's conviction? Do you think they are beyond the hope of Jesus appearing to them? Well, let's just ask these questions to Saul of Tarsus when we get to heaven. On second thought, you might have a hard time finding him, because he has a new name and, to be cliche, it's written down in glory. His new name also happens to be written on almost two thirds of the New Testament.
Church, this is our only hope. Everything else is vanity. Will you tarry just one hour? This is exactly what I am talking about. The message of the Gospel is for every man and we are the messengers of this message. In this sense, we are angels. To not engage in prayer for our enemies is to wrestle against ourselves!
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
We the American church, are the last defense for our country. Dear Jesus, if only our newspapers could read tomorrow: TEN MILLION MUSLIMS ACCEPT JESUS. Sound far fetched? Well let's just ask the entire village of Bugia in Algeria who had the same dream of Jesus on the same night in which He declared His lordship in exactly the same manner. Is anything too difficult for God?
Please join me as we turn the invitation of the terrorists around and use the only effective weapon in our arsenal. The only weapon powerful enough to shake the earth. Let's stop kicking the goads and wrestle the real enemies. Let's intercede repentance for our nation and for the salvation of souls, especially the souls of Muslims in America.
"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." (Acts 4:31)
Now for the expose film, which I must apologize has subtitles and is fairly long at 1 hour and 17 minutes. Notwithstanding these detractors, it is well worth watching and your time. Obsession Radical Islam's War Against the West is set to come out on DVD on the anniversary of September 11th. I pray that its release date is not too late, and that's why I have placed the video here, not to scare the church but to do what I can to awaken her in the midnight hour to pray.
Please let me make one thing clear. I do not hate Muslims. I love them with the love of the Lord. To the Muslims of the world: "Jesus loves you and died for you. He is the man in white who calls to you. Find Him today."
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