Streets of Salinas Outreach
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Streets of Salinas Prayer Revolution
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What if some man dressed in grave clothes knocked on your door and said:
"hello my name is Lazarus and I'm here on behalf of somebody you used to know but who is no longer alive. That person sent me to tell you from the grave that hell really does burn and that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And, oh by the way, do you have a frozen bottle of Gatorade you can loan me so I can take it to hell to quench some thirst?"
Well I'm sure we'd probably get to about that point, slam the door, dead bolt it, run to the phone and call the police. Why? Because, who would believe such a story?
Jesus said the same thing in the good news book of Luke Chapter 16. Speaking of a dead man who begged the patriarch Abraham from across the gulf between the place of torment and paradise:
"I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.' "Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.' " 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.' "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "
Dead people do not make good evangelists so it seems. Thank God that there still are living Moseses and Prophets among us who can knock on the doors of people's hearts and homes. In the book of Romans, we find a very motivating challenge to us the living breathing followers of Christ:
"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
This November 19th, Salinas Section Youth Ministries and Club Alpha Omega cordially invite you to take a living Jesus to the streets of Salinas California. Do we really need to have a vision of hell's realities in surround sound, subtitles, and DVD features to motivate us to accept the message and take it to the streets? If you did have such a vision, I'm sure you'd have the living h-e-double toothpicks scared out of you and you'd be knocking on my door right now as I type this to make sure that I believed. Does Jesus have to appear behind us and tap us on the shoulder as we read this line to ask us "so, I was just wondering, when are we going to come out of the closet about our relationship? When are you going to march down the street in a parade hand in hand with me? After all, everybody else is..."
C'mon preach it man, woman and child. I gotta new slogan, DWJS, Do What Jesus Said:
"What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs . . . I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God." (Luke 12:3,8-9)
I know you're getting your Holy Ghost sneakers on right now and taking out your street maps because the day is coming says the Lord that you will be moved from your perch, you will be moved from your dens and hiding places. You the righteous ones of my body will sprout legs and you will walk the streets and people will follow you to the open courts. They will follow you to hear what you have to say for I have put the message in your mouth and have seasoned their hearts to receive a word that they do not know. For my time is coming and the time is now that you will testify of me before men and hasten my coming. For the measure is almost nigh and the fullness of God's wrath is coming and you will be moved by my Spirit to do these things, because the last days are here and the year of the Lord's favor is today!
Oh my, I never saw that one coming. I just blogged it as it came. You know everybody is in a protest mood these days. Screaming and hollering. Burning people in effigy. How bout we take to the streets and burn the devil in effigy and just call him a liar! That's who he is and what's going to happen to him anyways. Dear Jesus, let's just have a street movement of disenfranchised Christians. Let's just protest against the world (its influences) and lift up the banner of Christ. Let's sing freedom songs of Jesus down the road and hold up traffic so that our voice is heard and our images are seen next to those coming from Washington DC and the world. Instead of Vote for Pedro and anti W shirts, why don't we just wear Vote for Jesus and anti-S for "Satan" and "Sin" all over us, just spray paint it all over our lives.
The Youth, Young Adults and Friends of Salinas Section Youth Ministries and Club Alpha Omega will be doing something just as revolutionary in the city of Salinas California on November 19th when they begin a prayer revolution over the city of Salinas. The featured flier above says it all, please click it for a larger image. In closing, Jesus is knocking on your door. Please open it up. I beg you: Follow Christ.
Upcoming Short Term Missions Trip!
As mentioned on the flier and on our calendar, we will be sponsoring a Short Term Missions Trip to the Los Angeles Dream Center for youth and young adults ages 16 and up. The mission trip dates are December 16, 17, and 18. The cost for the weekend (not including gas and spending money) is $35 for those who want to stay off campus and $106 for those who want to stay on the LA Dream Center campus. Interested Youth and Young Adults ages 16 and up, MUST attend the November 19th Streets of Salinas Outreach with the required money and FILLED OUT registration forms per person (links below). Pastors interested in joining the trip must send their filled out forms and monies with your youth who are attending the November 19th outreach. All Young Seven One churches will be receiving fliers and forms over the weekend. All Sectional Leaders and Pastors were briefed about the Dec 16-18 missions trip at our last minister's meetings. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS made as the Dream Center requires advanced payment and registration forms. Thanks for your interest and support!
- Assumption of Risk Form (ALL)
- Medical Information Form (ALL)
- Parental Certification Consent and Release Form (MINORS)
- Consent for Medical Treatment of Minor (MINORS)
About the Los Angeles Dream Center
The Los Angeles Dream Center reaches over 35,000 per week. Located in the heart of the inner city of Los Angeles in the former Queen of Angeles Hospital, the 1400 room facility consists of almost 400,000 square feet in buildings on 8.8 acres of prime commercial real estate. The church operates over 175 ministries, reaching out to gang members, drug addicts, unwed mothers, children without parents, halfway house for released prisoners, feeding the homeless and needy, motorcycle groups, taggers, AIDS victims, and various subcultures, ethnic, and nationality groups. Miracles take place there daily at the “Dream Center”, so called because people are given an opportunity to “Dream Again”. For more information, please visit the LA Dream Center Website.
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